"We're basically a bunch of backpackers. We are all just travelers. We are all just on a journey, and we're heading for our Home."
-Kim Jones, July 1999

Kim Jones
The Light Still Shines is dedicated to Susan Kimberly (Kim) Jones. Kim was only 23 years old when she went home to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on September 15, 1999, as a result of the shooting at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A.
Her life was a vibrant and beautiful picture of a heart fully given to serve, love, and enjoy God. Even in death, the message of her life continues to shine brightly. As she said in her last journal entry, September 13, 1999...
"I don't ever want to lose the passion of being totally in love with you and You alone. God, please continue to stir my heart. Make me passionate for You, now and always."
Kim was an adventurer, a backpacker, a leader, an inspirer. Her life was cut short on September 15, 1999, during a "See You at the Pole" rally at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, when a tragic shooting left seven people dead and seven wounded. Kim was one of the victims killed that night. Even though she was only 23 years old, she was ready for her journey Home.
The Jones Family & The Light Still Shines Ministry invites you to the 20 year anniversary memorial at Texas Christian University and Wedgwood Baptist Church on September 15, 2019.
Soon after Kim's death in 1999 a video was created to tell her story. Not just the story of the night she died, but the story of her life, light, and love for God. Her heart was fully aimed at seeking after God Himself and she intended to take everyone around her along for the journey. Although this video was made many years ago, the message is still for today and her Light Still Shines.
with Kim's story...
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The Light Still Shines Ministry