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Kim was an adventurer, a backpacker, a leader, an inspirer. Her life was cut short on September 15, 1999, during a "See You at the Pole" rally at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, when a tragic shooting left seven people dead and seven wounded. Kim was one of the victims killed that night. Even though she was only 23 years old, she was ready for her journey Home. The Light Still Shines began primarily as a DVD ministry to share her legacy through a documentary about her "Journey Home" and the video of her first and last time to teach a group of students in the Middle East. Through Kim's message, thousands have heard the Gospel and many have come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. All of the funds raised through DVD sales have gone directly to supported Christian missions all over the world. These videos are now available for free on our media page and on YouTube. 


To read more about The Light Still Shines Ministry and how "Kim's Dream Continues" click here.

To read a letter from describing Kim's memorial service click here.

To view videos of Kim click here.

Kim's Life

As told by Stan Jones (Kim's Father)

Kim's Life

Kim was born in Saudi Arabia on April 11, 1976. Her first plane ride was when she was only a couple of months old so we should have known then that it would be in her future to travel the world. Kim was not an easy baby – probably inherited too much of her Dad’s stubborn streak but when it was developed in the right direction by her Mom, it gave her a drive and will to succeed that far outshined either parent (at least her Dad’s). But I am getting ahead of myself.


Little Kim was not easy, I have the distinction of walking from Saudi Arabia to Frankfort, Germany in the back of a 474 jumbo jet because if I tried to sit down and hold her, she cried (yelled) as she was probably only a year old. So – I held her and walked. She was happy, I was tired but the other passengers at least weren’t disturbed.

A lot of great memories from those early years in Arabia and trying ones. Some of my favorites were of Kim singing this “This Little Light of Mine” when she was two, holding her finger up and blowing it out; and when she was just about three, running half-way down the stairs in our house shouting “Where is my house-boy, where is my house-boy, my room is a mess.” Yes, she really did that with hands on hips and wearing a cute little dress. (The houseboy was almost a substitute grandparent to her.) Kim loved to sing and had a memory that was unreal (at least to me).

Tim was born one year before we left Arabia for Alaska and even thought it took some doing by their Mom, Kim and Tim were a close as brother and sister could be. As I said in Tim’s history, Kim talked for him for the first 18 months or so.

On to Houston and the beginning of friendships that are still as strong today as they were in elementary and Jr. High. The short gang – Kristen, Ariana, Jessica, Catherine, Christy, Megan (others).  The stories are too numerous but if you ever meet one of them, you will know why. Kim had dyslexia (could not see words correctly and most time backwards.) Her determination and strength of character resulted in being elected to Student Counsel, graduating with honors, and being in the "Who's Who" of high school seniors.


It was during the beginning of her sophomore year that we decided to move back to Arabia. Kim refused to go to boarding school so we kept her in school in Houston keeping our house open for her (another story). When she first flew from Saudi Arabia back to Houston by herself (at 15) – her comment was “you won’t let me go to the mall by myself and now you are putting me on a plane to fly half-way around the world alone!!!! What’s wrong with this picture???” But it did build character (as if she needed any).

Kim had the opportunity to spend a semester during her senior year of high school to attend school in Austria (she packed and moved by herself). After that experience, she always questioned why we didn’t make her go to boarding school as she had a really great time in Austria??? I couldn’t get her to go across the street if she didn’t want to! (But it is a good thing she didn’t want the moon as there would be at least a chunk missing.)


She was a youth minister in The Netherlands (Spring, 1999) and it was there she decided to go to seminary as the kids knew more of the Bible than she did.

Summer of 1999 saw her as the R.O.C.K. (Rely On Christ the King) leader in Saudi and it is here that her one and only sermon was given. “Make your life count for eternity!” The video is available for you to see her talk, but beware – it could change your life also.

She was a wonderful daughter full of life and energy, a great sister who loved her brother above all others until she met Jesus. Powerful speaker, loyal friend, and continues to be a reflection of “The light that still shines”.


- Stan Jones

College at Texas Christian University– graduating in 1999 with honors and being selected as the “Senior Scholar” in the Speech Communication Dept. Her junior year is where she decided she needed to change her life style and she said, "Jesus, If you are real, please change my life!” He did and she did – all the energy of an over achiever was now focused for the Lord and with a great smile and no fear of witnessing for Jesus Christ – those around her in her sorority, classes, and here at home saw an amazing transformation.

She spent a semester in Australia during her senior college year, more stories of amazing times. She once took a VERY long bus ride because she forgot that she had an airline ticket from Adelaide to Sydney. There have been many similar incidents in the Jones household. We don’t do anything in a normal manner, but we have a lot of adventures (ask about the Angels).

Kim's People

Click on the Gallery below to view more pictures of Kim's life and her beloved friends and family

Kim's Journal

Kim was an avid traveler, backpacker, adventurer... but (especially) during the last several years of her life, she sought a passionate and growing relationship with God as her GREATEST adventure. Even with the disability of severe dyslexia, she journaled consistently. We share some of her writings to continue to let the Light Shine through her message. She saw the world through spiritual eyes and filtered her life's adventure through the lens of God's love. As we share some her writings, we hope you will get a glimpse of her passion for God and remember what the Gospel can do in the life of anyone who believes.

Kim's Journal

Kim's Travels

Kim loved to travel and take photos everywhere she went, especially her adventures with her mom, Stephanie, her brother, Tim and her dear friend and mentor, Inez.

Kim' Travels

Click on the Gallery below to view more pictures of Kim's travels