Kim’s Dream Continues
Through The Light Still Shines
Twenty Years Later
Kim wrote in her journal: “I love the Lord! My dream is to change the whole world for Jesus! I wish everyone could understand how AWESOME God Is!” Dec. 26, 1998
When Kim died, it seemed as if that dream had come to an end, however what is impossible with man, is possible with God! September 15, 1999 would change our lives forever, but God has done wondrous things and has brought TRIUMPH FROM TRAGEDY!
Through the Lord’s guidance, we were able to establish a non-profit organization, The Light Still Shines, Inc. (TLSS). As a ministry, TLSS has carried Kim’s message and the example of her life to the world through media and outreach.
The goals of TLSS and our desire is to continue:
Sharing the message of Jesus Christ and His promises through Kim’s message.(The videos are now available on YouTube.)
Supporting Missions locally and around the world.
Sharing a website that will inspire people to become passionate about living a life that will “Count for Eternity”.
Providing events that will provide opportunities for women to grow their faith.
On a personal note, looking back, has there been pain? A tremendous amount, yes. Has it been easy? Absolutely not. Would we have chosen a different path given the choice? Selfishly, yes. Do we expect to fully understand why He allowed so many young lives to be cut short that evening? Painfully, no. Do we question God’s goodness and perfect plan for our lives and the life of our daughter? Not a chance! The Bible tells us His grace has been and always be sufficient. That has proven true in our lives.
In the midst of out pain and heartache, God made a way to not only comfort us, but to honor and answer Kim’s dream. With the help of many friends and family, especially Rhonda Smith, the director of our ministry, The Light Still Shines”, God continues to shine His light in the darkness bringing triumph from tragedy.
Are You In?
Time is precious. Let’s challenge ourselves to strive to make moments count because moments turn into hours, hours into days, into weeks, into years, into eternity. What will be our legacy? Making Jesus known is our purpose. Lord, we pray that we as Christians will overflow with Your love and that we will have a servants heart to do Your will to bring about change in our homes, communities, nation, and world. Let’s not under estimate what God can do with a few willing hearts.
The following prayer reflects Kim’s desire and “The Light Still Shines” (TLSS, purpose. “Lord help me to evaluate the ways I’m expending my energy. Please show me I am living a wise life. Please let it count for eternity.” One day we will all be called home. Let’s be ready!
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul.” Mark 8:36
God has been so gracious to us and continues to pursue us and mold and shape us into Christ's likeness. We praise Him! May His light be reflected in and through us.
In His Grip and Grace,
Stephanie and Stan, August, 2019